I am a first year Cognitive Science Ph.D. student in Greene Lab at UC San Diego. I am particularly interested in using neuroimaging methods that can explain and predict developmental trajectories and how our brain changes across the life span. My research mainly focuses on fMRI and data-driven methodologies. Before joining Greene Lab, I studied cognitive neuroscience in Human Affective Neuroscience (HumAN) Lab at Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea.
Research Interests
- biomarkers of neuropsychiatric disorders
- functional brain network organization
- predictive modeling, data clustering and integration
- * Equal author contribution
Park S, Park D & Kim MJ (2023). Similarity in functional connectome architecture predicts teenage grit. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience [link]
Yoo C*, Park S* & Kim MJ (2022). Structural connectome-based prediction of trait anxiety. Brain Imaging and Behavior [link] Featured on the journal cover
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08/23: master degree in cognitive neuroscience major conferred, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea
09/23: joining the Cognitive Science department at UCSD as a Ph.D. student!
04/27: poster presentation at 2023 Social Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS) conference held in Santa Barbara - poster link
11/09: poster presentation at 2023 Developmental Affective Neuroscience Symposium (DANS) held in Pittsburgh - poster link